Administration for all the customers Cherwell environments​
Administration for Cherwell Asset Management (CAM)​
Creation or Modification of Dashboards​
Manage Service Catalog​
Manage SLA’s​
Update Mail Monitor Configuration​
Update Lookup Table Data​
Create Reports​
Update Customer Data
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What's included in this service?
All plans include the following as part of Excalibur's Cherwell Managed Services
Administration for all the customer's Cherwell environments​
Administration for Cherwell Asset Management (CAM)​
Creation or Modification of Dashboards​
Manage Service Catalog​
Manage SLA’s​
Update Mail Monitor Configuration​
Update Lookup Table Data​
Create Reports​
Update Customer Data
Update User Data​
Manage User Security Groups & Roles​
Update existing globalization tables​
Build or Modify custom searches/queries ​
Manage Scheduled jobs​
Install, Configure and Support Cherwell Schedulers​
Install, Configure and Support Cherwell Trusted Agents​
Perform basic data imports (CSV & prebuilt integrations)​
Perform data extracts

Excalibur’s Manages Services Team will act as a liaison between your organization and Cherwell Support. This leads to quicker resolution for any issues that may arise with your CSM Platform.
Customer Prioritized Queue (ability to prioritize submitted requests) via Excalibur’s Managed Services Self-Service Portal​
Perform system upgrades to your environment upon your request. Our team will oversee your upgrade to the latest versions of Cherwell and will remediate issues that may arise during the upgrade *
Liaison between Customer & Cherwell Support (immediate access to higher tier support) *

Online Remote Training​​​
The service includes 12 hours a year in online remote training directed by the customer. This can be used as part of an organization's sustainability model to help maintain the training of staff. This time can be used for:​
Online deep dive training sessions​
End-user training specific to your environment ​
User Guide Documentation​
Training video’s on selected topics